As part of the I AM A VOICE for Epilepsy Awareness™ campaign, the Voice Epilepsy™ podcast series introduces a variety of topics related to epilepsy, including medications, treatment, law, employment, surgery, mental health, stress, and stigma, among many others. Whether you are a person living with epilepsy or you have a personal or professional interest in epilepsy, the Voice Epilepsy™ podcast series is for you! You can find the Voice Epilepsy™ podcast series on iTunes, Google Play, Spotify, Podbean etc.

Thursday May 19, 2022
Voice Epilepsy Episode 16: Service Dogs for People with Epilepsy
Thursday May 19, 2022
Thursday May 19, 2022
In this episode of the Voice Epilepsy™ podcast, BC Epilepsy Society staff members, Sonia Ali and Christine Jamieson discuss service dogs for people with epilepsy, which are known as Seizure Response Dogs.
Listen to this podcast to learn more about what a Seizure Response Dog is and does, as well as information on owning, training, certifying, and obtaining an epilepsy service dog.
During the podcast, Christine also talks about her Seizure Response Dog, Eva, and discusses the path she took to get her trained and certified as an official service dog in the province of British Columbia. If this is something you are looking into and if you have any questions for Christine about this, you can email her at impactspeaker@bcepilepsy.com.
Please see below for the links and contact information of the organization discussed during the podcast:
- Guide Dog & Service Dog Certification: https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/justice/human-rights/guide-and-service-dog
- The International Guide Dog Federation: https://www.igdf.org.uk/
- Assistance Dogs International: https://assistancedogsinternational.org/
- The Lion’s Foundation of Canada: http://www.dogguides.com/ | info@dogguides.com | 905-842-2891
- BC & Alberta Guide Dogs: https://www.bcandalbertaguidedogs.com/ | info@bcguidedog.com | 604-940-4504
- The Canadian Association of Guide & Assistance Dog Schools: http://www.cagads.com/
- Key Companions Service Dogs: fur4all@home.com | 905-857-9547
- West Coast Access: 604-485-6062
- Paws4People: https://www.paws4people.org/ | info@paws4people.org | 910-632-0615
- Paws with a Cause: 616-877-7297
- Courageous Companions Incorporated: https://www.courageouscompanions.ca/
- Red Dog Training Solutions: https://www.reddoginc.ca/ | 780-782-7318